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Basically, Robot is a well-known programmable machine that can manipulate objects and perform operations that previously only human beings could perform.

The robot can be both a physical electromechanical mechanism and a virtual software system. Both coincide in providing the feeling of having the capacity for thought or resolution, although, in reality, they limited to executing orders dictated by people.

It is often considered that a robot can imitate the behavior of humans or animals. Humanoid robots, which emerged in the second half of the 20th century, can walk, move a mechanical arm, manipulate their environment, or even respond to stimuli.

Is Robot a machine?

A robot is a programmable machine that can manipulate objects and perform operations that previously only human beings could perform.

The robot can be both a physical electromechanical mechanism and a virtual software system. Both coincide in providing the feeling of having the capacity for thought or resolution, although, in reality, they are limited to executing orders dictated by people.

Although there no precise definition of the concept, it is often considered that a robot can imitate the behavior of humans or animals. For example, humanoid robots, which emerged in the second half of the 20th century, can walk, move a mechanical arm, manipulate their environment, or even respond to stimuli.

Modern robotics differs from the old to the logical scientific advancement. However, the first attempts to create robots date back to the 4th century BC, when the Greek mathematician Archytas of Tarentum built a mechanical bird that ran on steam.

Robots are currently used in the industrial field (to assemble parts of various mechanisms, move heavyweights, and other tasks), in medicine (to operate in places that are difficult to access), and in the military field (to reduce the human casualties), among other sectors.

Among the essential robots that have emerged in recent years, we would have to highlight, for example, Riba II, who comes to work as a nurse since it is handy to help people who cannot get up independently. Bed. It has a forceful and robust structure that allows it to get these patients out of bed.

humanoid robot

In the same way, we cannot ignore the existence of ATLAS either. This a humanoid robot created by the United States Pentagon whose function to play a fundamental role in emergencies. And it is that it can perform tasks that are very dangerous, as well as excessively complicated, for humans.

In the artistic field for years, robots have had a significant role. Thus, some of them have already become part of our cultural heritage in the cinema. This would be the case for two of the most charismatic and beloved characters in the “Star Wars” saga: C3PO and R2D2.

People, in general, react positively to robots as they consider that they can help with various tasks. But, on the other hand, the most pessimistic argue that robots replace human beings in the world of work and even fear a possible rebellion of machines against man.
Depth both in literature and in cinema.

In the first area, we would highlight the work “Saga of the Foundation,” written by the Russian Isaac Asimov. In the seventh art, the essential films on this subject are “Blade Runner,” directed in 1982 by Ridley Scott, and “Terminator,” which was released in 1984 by James Cameron.

Types of robots

Articulated Robots.
SCARA Robots.
Delta Robots.
Cartesian Robots.

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