Proxies improve Ad Verification – The internet is ubiquitous, and this has incentivized companies to cross borders. As a result, firms initially based in the USA or Canada now have to target a global audience through digital marketing.

However, the increased scope of digital marketing has made it harder to track broken ads, notice discrepancies in the ads, or check a publishers’ activities because of geo-targeting and geo-restrictions. These aspects have facilitated the rise of fraudsters who use unscrupulous means to profit while causing the advertising company losses.

Luckily, ad verification is a remedy. But geo-restriction makes ad verification hard because every ad appears differently based on a web host’s location. Therefore, as the advertiser, you may not know how potential customers in other countries see your ad. All isn’t lost, though, because proxies help improve the ad verification process. Read on to find out how.

What is a Proxy?

The term proxy is short for proxy server. A proxy redirects your web requests by changing your IP address before connecting to the website you’ve keyed in on your browser. It, therefore, acts as another computer through which you have to go before accessing the internet.

Types of Proxies

Many types of proxies exist, among them:
● Residential Proxy
● Anonymous Proxy
● Transparent Proxy
● Datacenter Proxy
● High anonymity Proxy etc.
But we’ll not dive into what each of these types entails. For that information, click here. In this article, we’ll discuss how you can harness the power of proxy servers to improve ad verification.

Ad Verification

Ad Fraud

No advertiser would wish to lose their investment or money. But certain factors or activities make the possibility of losing the investment inevitable. These include:
● Fake clicks
Domain spoofing – faking websites or emails
● Faking the visitors’ numbers – increases the cost of displaying ads on such a website
Collectively, these activities are regarded as ad fraud. Before fraudsters start their fraudulent activities, they first hijack your ads. In most cases, these fraudsters are the ads’ publishers who disregard your requirements as the advertiser. Some even go beyond the scope of ad fraud by including your ads in undesirable websites whose content your company doesn’t align with, thereby damaging your brand. This makes ad verification a necessity.

Ad Verification

Ad verification is a collection of activities aimed at combating ad fraud and protecting your brand’s image. It entails curtailing any efforts to manipulate ads in such a manner that leads to losses. The use of proxy servers has emerged as the foundation of ad verification, particularly in international marketing campaigns, wherein you’re likely to experience geo-restrictions.

Geo-targeting and geo-restriction limits content viewership based on national boundaries. Ads are also restricted. After all, they’re regarded as content. They appear differently, too, from one country to another. This becomes an issue if you’re running a multilingual international campaign. These restrictions, coupled with the problems that arise because of these restrictions, necessitate using the proxies.

Proxies enable advertisers and companies to test how their ads are displayed to the end-users, i.e., target audience in addition to checking if the ads appear according to the initial plan.

Proxies assign a new IP address, and this tricks the host into believing that you’re within its national boundaries. Proxy servers, therefore, enable you as the advertiser to mimic a user in that country, thus increasing the accuracy of the ad verification process.

Proxies used in Ad Verification

Residential Proxy Servers

Residential proxy servers happen to be the most popular proxies used for ad verification. But this doesn’t mean that other proxy servers aren’t or can’t be used. In fact, some proxy providers combine multiple types of proxy servers – some anonymous proxy providers also avail residential proxies for their customers.

But residential proxy servers still reign supreme. As a matter of fact, some residential proxy server providers are so advanced that they can outperform high anonymity proxies in terms of secrecy and masking their clients’ identity by making them appear normal and clean.

What makes residential proxies the most widely used and effective type is the fact that they simulate the presence of a legitimate user in a particular location. If you want to know more about proxies and ad verification, check out the Oxylabs website for more information.

Outwitting Fraudsters

However, fraudsters have been continually perfecting their craft, which implies that ad verification methods must outpace and outwit the world of fraud. For instance, fraudsters have instituted measures that detect visitors that appear to be snooping around. They then curtail further snooping/spying by simply blocking or banning a particular IP address. If the ad verification provider were solely reliant on this single IP address, then the fraudsters manage to stop the ad verification right in its tracks. They win, as it were. But this is rarely the case.

IP Proxy Networks

Ad verification companies use IP proxy networks, which are made up of millions of residential IPs. As a result, whenever such firms conduct ad verification, they’ll always use a unique IP address to connect to a suspected site.


Proxies and proxy networks have simplified ad verification by doing away with the limits of geo-restrictions and protecting the advertisers against fraud. These are some of the benefits that make them a must-have, especially if you’re running international ad campaigns for your business.

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