What are the Mind Bottling SEO Stats for 2022 & Beyond? – Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ensures long-term success and brand awareness for any online business. It also plays a crucial role in expanding your target audiences, increasing organic traffic and revenue. To experience these benefits, you need to implement the right SEO strategy.

Note that SEO is not a one-off practice. You must build around the various strategies to achieve success. A well-executed SEO strategy will land your webpage on top of the SERP. It means you will have more organic traffic to your website, leading to high conversion rates.

Whether you are planning to ensure your website ranks on top of the search engine results page or need to work with an SEO company, numbers are necessary to guide you. In this article, you will find out the mind bottling SEO stats for 2022 and beyond. We have divided them into sections to make reading easier.

SEO and Content Statistics

Content marketing and SEO go hand in hand. Content should be your first port of call when you think about SEO. Quality content defines how you inform, engage, delight, and support your audience. Therefore, creating valuable and authentic content is vital to boosting your search engine visibility.

Whether a blog article, about page, product page, videos, or testimonials, having the right content ensures that you have a foundation to support all your SEO efforts. So, how vital is content in your digital marketing strategy? What are the trends that you can use to inform the strategy? In content marketing, 61% of the B2B marketers have concerns regarding search algorithms and SEO.

Websites having a blog section typically have higher indexed pages than those without. Business websites having blogs have about 97% more links that are inbound. By refreshing the old blog posts with new images and content, the organic traffic for your website can increase by over 111%. One out of every ten blog posts is compounding. Therefore, it means that an organic search will increase their traffic.

There is at least a video in about 25% of the searches. A web content that includes a video sees organic traffic by about 157%. Content over a thousand words gets more links and shares than shorter ones. According to 75% of the professionals in digital marketing, on-page development of content is highly effective SEO. Link building and using high-quality content are among the two vital signals Google uses to rank a website.

Search Behaviour and User Statistics

If you think you understand what people search for, you may be surprised. The statistics below can be vital in informing your SEO strategy and ensuring you get in front of the right audience. For instance, 8% of all searches are phrased as a question. People perform a search about three words long. In about 18% of the searches, it forces the searcher to change their search query without clicking on any search results.

Before they start their search, 90% of the searchers are normally undecided, underscoring the importance of compelling content. Searching is also getting personal. According to ThinkWithGoogle, there has been a 60% growth in searches related to “_ for me” over the last two years. There has been an 80% increase in mobile searches with phrases like “_should I_” in the same period. Interestingly, 95% of the searchers look only at the first page of the SERP.

Statistics Related to SEO Strategy

How does SEO fit into your strategy for digital marketing? You can use the statistics below to make a business case for Search Engine Optimization. The statistics can be vital in comparing your SEO strategy to what your competitors are doing.

According to HubSpot, 61% of digital marketers assert that improving the SEO and increasing organic presence is a marketing priority that is top inbound. 70-80% of the searchers only focus on the organic results. 41% of large corporations say link building is the hardest SEO tactic to implement. To show you the importance of SEO, it can generate 20 times more traffic when compared to PPC on both desktop and mobile, and many businesses use over $5000 monthly on SEO efforts.

According to 82% of marketers, the effectiveness of SEO is on the rise. 42% of marketers believe it is increasing at a significant rate. Unsurprisingly, Google dominates the search engine space, accounting for about 92% of worldwide search traffic on desktops. Bing and Yahoo account for 2.61% and 1.9% correspondingly.

According to BrightEdge, about 51% of the web traffic comes from organic searches, with 5% from social media, 10% in paid searches, while other sources account for 34%. Marketers using a combination of PPC ads and organic SEO in marketing strategies have an average of 25% higher clicks and 27% higher profits than those using only one search engine marketing strategy.

Voice Search Statistics

Over the past decade, Google has taken several steps towards this ambitious, lofty goal. Among these steps are Google’s advances in voice search and NLP (Natural Language Processing) Technology.

Regardless of one’s opinion about voice search, there is no doubt that it is on the rise. But how will voice search and NLP technologies affect your Search Engine Optimization strategy in 2022 and the years beyond? According to OC&C consultants, voice is predicted to be a forty-billion-dollar channel by 2022. Today, over 40.7% of the Google Voice search results originate from various featured snippets.

Interestingly, the shipments for smart speakers increased by about 200% in the third quarter of 2018, according to Strategy Analytics. It means that more people will use voice search technology for entertainment. Gartner estimates that 30% of the searches will be screenless in the future. With 27% of the online population using their mobiles for voice search today, we can only expect it to be a vital element of your SEO strategy in 2022 and beyond.


By now, it may surprise you to know how people search today and the impact of local, voice, and mobile search. Now you can use these statistics to inform your SEO strategy in the future. Whether you are beginning or ready to make more investments in your SEO, let these statistics guide your search engine optimization and plan the next move. You now know the mind bottling SEO stats for 2022 and beyond.