Mobile health (mhealth) apps have become powerful tools for transforming the healthcare industry, integrating technology into addressing more crucial health needs. An increasing number of healthcare organizations are adopting mobile health software solutions to serve the needs of the tech-oriented population. The mhealth global industry value is projected to hit over $100 billion by 2030. Most people will have at least one mhealth app on their mobile device sooner or later. This ultimate guide to mhealth app development will touch on how this technology is revolutionizing healthcare and its benefits.

Understanding Mhealth Apps

mhealth apps are mobile health software solutions that provide healthcare services to patients and medical staff. They allow for real-time patient tracking and distribution of information and provide features that help users realize their health goals. The main features of mhealth apps include:

  • Scheduling appointments and reminders
  • Health monitoring
  • Live (real-time) chats
  • Patient information database

Mhealth software is a collective term that refers to a range of applications and mobile apps used in the healthcare space to enhance healthcare treatment and patient-doctor interactions. The apps find uses in different settings like managing medications, providing emergency healthcare services, tracking symptoms, and providing mental health support.

The Advantages of Mhealth App Development Services

Innovative mhealth software development companies such as Empeek are key players that take a modern approach to healthcare delivery outside of traditional settings. Here are some benefits of mhealth app development services for health institutions:

  • Enhances patient data management
  • Improved healthcare professionals’ productivity
  • Promotes communication between patients and healthcare providers
  • Empowers patients to monitor and take charge of their health
  • Saves time and money
  • Speeds up patient recovery

Overall, mobile health app development has helped improve the quality and approach to healthcare services. One AAPA-Harris Poll Survey on 2,500 American adults found that 56% of participants admitted that they had to wait for more than a week to book a medical appointment. 65% said coordinating and managing healthcare is stressful and time-intensive. mhealth technology puts personal health monitoring right into the palms of users.

The smartest way to bridge the gap between healthcare access and patients is to leverage mhealth software. This is essential since mobile users reached over 7 billion in 2023.

Categories of Custom mhealth Apps

The main categories of custom mhealth software are mhealth apps for patients and mhealth software for healthcare providers.


  • mhealth software for patients

They are patient-centered mobile health app that provides convenient and better health healthcare services. They allow you to connect with doctors and improve your everyday health. Meditation, fitness, mental health, dieting, and self-care apps are examples of mhealth software for patients.

  • mhealth software for healthcare providers

These are specially designed mhealth apps for healthcare professionals to increase their overall efficiency, reduce errors and costs, and enhance service delivery. Healthcare organizations can also use mhealth software to automate many manual tasks and free time for urgent care. Examples of mhealth apps for healthcare providers include electronic health records (EHR), health insurance, medical references, and hospital information systems.

There is a rising need for health institutions to provide patients with quick and accessible healthcare. This trend became more obvious following the COVID-19 pandemic’s showdown when people realized the need to care for themselves without leaving the comfort of their homes.

You can schedule a call with mhealth software developers Empeek to learn more about how your medical staff can leverage mhealth technology to improve healthcare delivery experiences for patients.