Whenever we install applications, we can suffer some type of threat. There are many varieties that are present. They can also affect in many ways. We are not just talking about malware that can make our mobile or computer stop working. We also refer to the type of software that compromises our privacy, can send personal data or even affect Internet speed. So in this article, we wanted to make a collection of tips and recommendations when installing applications.
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How to Install Applications Correctly?
The malware, threats generally come in many forms. But no doubt, one of the most frequent is through the programs that we install. Therefore, when we go to install applications, we have to pay close attention to some factors. It is important to keep it running smoothly and, as far as we are concerned, maintaining a good Internet connection. We do not want that when we perform a speed test, the results are negative.
It should be mentioned that many of these tips are compatible with both desktop and mobile devices. It is true that in recent years the use of mobile phones and tablets has increased. It is a reality that the way we use the Internet has adapted as well. That’s why cybercriminals also set their sights there. They take advantage of this type of software to deploy different types of threats.

Official Sites and Shops
The first tip is one of the most important and perhaps where users make the most mistakes. There are many pages where we can download programs. However, as we can imagine, not all of them are legitimate. Occasionally we may come across fraudulent sites and stores, which host applications that contain malware.
Therefore our recommendation is to download applications only from stores and official sites. We refer to our pages of the program that we are going to install, as well as stores like Apple Store or Google Play.
These official stores filter to prevent false and malicious programs from entering. It is not something that prevents malware 100%, but without a doubt, we significantly increased the guarantees.
Read Comments and Ratings
Another thing we must do before installing an application is to read the comments and ratings. It is very useful to see what other users think of that program. This way, we can avoid installing any that is malicious, which contains malware or that is fake and does not offer what they promise.
Therefore it is another of the steps that we must do. Before installing anything, you should take a look at the opinions and ratings of other users who have already tried it. It is also interesting to see the number of downloads that have been made.
Suspect Permissions
Sometimes we can run into applications that ask us for too many permissions. It is not logical that, for example, an application to write notes asks us to know our location or to have access to the camera. They can be programs that seek to get our personal data, sell information, etc.
You have to take a fine look at what type of permissions we give to applications and what kind. For example, if we are going to install a program to know the weather, it is logical that it asks us for access to the location. But it is not typical for a photo editor to ask us to access our contacts.
Use Google in Case of Doubts
But after all that we have mentioned, it is possible that some programs may raise doubts. We may get to install an applications, but we do not have all the guarantees, and we do not know whether to continue or not.
For this, we always have Google, one of the most popular search engines. Simply enough, search on that page where we are downloading the program or even the name of the application. Indeed we read many comments, warnings, and opinions of other users. This way, we can avoid introducing malware into our systems.
Use Security Tools and Programs
We have seen some recommendations before installing applications. However, despite doing everything right, some programs may contain malware. Perhaps it is a legitimate application that has simply been attacked by a cyber-criminal.
That is why it is convenient to have security programs and tools. We need to protect our systems and thus prevent the entry of malware. Avoid false programs and threats that jeopardize the proper functioning of our systems.
Install Security Patches and Updates
Finally, it must be said that it is also vital that our systems are up to date. Sometimes vulnerabilities arise that are exploited by cybercriminals to deploy their threats. Manufacturers themselves often release security patches and updates. Improvements to prevent these failures from compromising equipment.
So it is always important to keep systems up to date. We are not referring only to the operating system itself, but to the different programs that we have.
Also Read: 10 Tips for Creating the Perfect or Strong Password.
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