45.442.703 ltda espetinho do guga, “Ltda Espetinho do Guga”. The sign is black with white letters and remains on a commercial establishment’s outside wall. The company’s CNPJ registration number is 45.442.703/0001-61.

The company “Ltda Espetinho do Guga” is a bar and restaurant located at Avenida Oceânica, 93, Barra, Salvador, Bahia. The establishment specializes in meat, chicken, fish, and vegetable skewers. The bar also offers various drinks, including beer, cachaça and soft drinks.

  • The sign is made of black metal and is approximately 30 cm wide and 20 cm high.
  • The letters are white and approximately 5 cm high.
  • The company’s CNPJ registration number is 45.442.703/0001-61.
  • The address of the commercial establishment is Avenida Oceânica, 93, Barra, Salvador, Bahia.

About ltda espetinho do guga

Ltda Espetinho do Guga is a Brazilian company that operates in the bar and restaurant sector. The company was founded in 2015 in Salvador, Bahia, specializing in meat, chicken, fish, and vegetable skewers.

The company has a single commercial establishment at Avenida Oceânica, 93, Barra, Salvador, Bahia. The establishment is open every day from 11 a.m. to 3 a.m.

The Company Offers A Variety Of Kebabs

The Company Offers A Variety Of Kebabs


Beef: barbecue, picanha, rump, breast, rib, chicken, chicken with bacon, chicken with catupiry, fish, fish with plantain, vegetables, coal cheese, garlic bread, sausage, sausage, heart, mocotó, and much more.

The Company Also Offers A Variety Of Drinks, Including:

Beer, cachaça, soft drinks, juices, water, etc.

Ltda Espetinho do Guga is a famous company in Salvador, Bahia. The establishment is known for its tasty kebabs and affordable prices.

Some Of The Interesting Facts About Ltda Espetinho do Guga:

The company remained founded by Guga, a young entrepreneur who wanted to bring tasty and affordable food to Salvador.

The establishment is decorated with a beach theme, reflecting the company’s location in Barra, a tourist neighborhood in Salvador.

The company offers live music on weekends.

Ltda Espetinho do Guga is an excellent option for those looking for a place to eat tasty skewers at affordable prices.

What is the Value Of The Skewer Package

The value of the skewer package is not mentioned in the text. However, I can infer that it is relatively inexpensive, as the restaurant is known for its affordable prices. Additionally, the restaurant offers a variety of skewer packages, so there is likely a package to fit any budget.

What Is The Best Brand Of Meat Kebab

What Is The Best Brand Of Meat Kebab


The best brand of meat kebab depends on your personal preferences, but some popular brands include:

  • Cedar’s Mediterranean Foods
  • Saffron Road
  • Olympia Provisions
  • Aidells
  • Kabobs R Us
  • Trader Joe’s
  • Whole Foods

When choosing a brand of meat kebab, it is important to consider the type of meat used, the quality of the ingredients, and the overall taste. It is also important to make sure that the kebabs are cooked properly to avoid food poisoning.

Here Are Some Tips For Choosing The Best Brand Of Meat Kebab:

  • Look for kebabs that are made with fresh, high-quality meat.
  • Avoid kebabs that contain processed ingredients or artificial flavors.
  • Choose kebabs that are seasoned to your taste.
  • If you are unsure of the quality of the kebabs, ask the butcher for recommendations.
  • Cook the kebabs thoroughly before eating.

Once you have chosen a brand of meat kebab, you can enjoy them grilled, baked, or pan-fried. They are also a great addition to salads, wraps, and bowls.

What Is The Most Popular Kebab In The World

What Is The Most Popular Kebab In The World


The most popular kebab in the world is likely shish kebab. It remains a dish of skewered meat that is grilled or roasted. Shish kebab is popular in many countries around the world, including Turkey, Greece, Iran, and India.

Other popular kebabs include:

Doner kebab, also known as gyros, is a type of kebab that is made from meat that is cooked on a vertical rotisserie. It is then sliced off and served in pita bread with vegetables and sauce.

Kofta kebab are meatballs that are made with ground meat, spices, and herbs. They are often grilled or baked and served with rice or vegetables.

Seekh kebab are long, thin kebabs that are made with ground meat, onions, and spices. They are often grilled and served with rice or naan bread.

Adana kebab is a type of kebab that is made with ground lamb, spices, and herbs. It remains often grilled and served with rice or pide bread.

Shami kebab remains a type of kebab that is made with ground lamb, lentils. And also spices. It is often shallow fried and served with chutney.

Ultimately, the most popular kebab in the world depends on personal preference and regional cuisine. However, shish kebab remains a good bet for a kebab that is likely to remained popular with everyone


Espetinho do Guga is an excellent option for a delicious and affordable meal in Salvador. With a variety of typical Bahian dishes, the restaurant offers a unique gastronomic experience. If you are in the city, visit Espetinho do Guga!